

Pom Pom Earrings

I am a Science Nerd/ crafter/ baking fan.

Into bacteria and bobbins in equal measure.

I grew up in the North East of England, then lived for 8 years in Bristol, but now live in California, and am excited at the prospect of getting out and doing stuff, but also hoping to have slightly more time to craft!

I started this blog to try to inspire me to make more stuff! By this I mean both more in quantity, and more in variety. I had tended to bake fairly often, and occasionally make things, but it was often the same things and as I own far more cookbooks and craft books than you can imagine… that seems a shame.

So similar to Heidi Swanson of 101Cookbooks, it was time to… not stop buying, as let’s face it that was never going to happen… but to start making… Make more types of things…………… to challenge myself to learn new techniques……………. and perfect skills…………..

So the challenge is on.

To Make

To Bake

To Craft

Bring it on!

P.s. when I moved to California I left my beloved Paul Smith Special Edition Rover Mini with my Brother-in-law….. you can check out the progress of it here.

P.p.s. I also now have a blog detailing our outdoor adventures, you can see it here.


  1. Think you are succeeding especially getting Mr M involved . Does he remember his 1st cross stitch sample at primary school?(start as you mean to go on!!!)

  2. Hi I love your pyjamas for Gravling. I have one at home and would like to ask if you could sell me the pyjamas 🙂

    Let me know the price if this possible

    Thank You!

    Silka from Jakarta, Indonesia

    1. I’m afraid they were a one time project and not for sale.

      1. Bertil Badger · ·

        Can you share a picture of the badger-in-pyjamas with the IKEA-badgers that are on Instagram? bertilbadger would like it very much 😙🐾

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