Tag Archives: Cheese

Spiced Cheese Scones

Yes, I know. It has been a while. I blame a multitude of things including another pottery course, studying, starting to make Mr M a Regency outfit for September, studying, and the continuing absence of my baking mojo. Anyhow, a couple of weeks ago I felt the sudden urge for baking, so whipped up some […]

Melty Mozzarella of Deliciousness

So, last week we made pizza, and tried to make cheese, and we kind of succeeded. It was cheese. It was just not mozzarella, kinda ricotta-ish, or like a cheesy dip/spread type consistency. We did of course put it on the pizza anyway, and then dipped Kettle Chips in it. Waste not want not. Yum. Tonight […]

Waffled Leftovers. With added Cheese.

Well hello! For Christmas this year, this lucky little lady got a shiny new waffle iron. Yup. I had been eyeballing up waffle irons for months after having been indulging in ogling some food porn of various waffled items, mainly inspired by the blog at willitwaffle.com. This morning Mr M made me sweet waffles for breakfast […]

Cheesey Cauliflower and Pasta Pie…. with an optional little “Slap”

It’s been a while, but I thought I would take a brief break from the sewing posts, and do a little experimental cooking. A friend of mine swears by a little bit of Slap Ya Mama to add a little spicy kick to everything. I saw some the other day, so decided to buy some […]

Vegetables and Cheesy “Biscuits”

So… Happy Thanksgiving! Now I live over here I guess I need to embrace these things, We’re planning a Facetime date watching the parade with our friend Ashlei, and I made some croissants! It’s the simple Edd Kimber version of Croissant dough like I used for the Cronuts, and I made them for the first […]

Chili Cheese Corn Dodgers

The making of this recipe was inspired by having more random ingredients leftover in the cupboards. Some more random ingredients that you buy for a recipe, like Joy the Baker’s lush baked polenta, or to add some texture to shortbread. Anyhow, the end result is a big bag of cornmeal in my cupboard, so if […]

Bake Sale Bakes: Chilli Cheese Twists

So, the last of the things I made for today! I have made some cheese twists before, but added a little spicy extra this time. Rough Puff Pastry Recipe – this is the same recipe as the Banana Tarte Tatin I made from the Great British Bake Off book, but is also available here. Ingredients 225g/8oz plain flour, plus extra […]

Cheesey Leftover Vegetable Bread Twist

It has been a busy weekend! I drove up to Manchester after work on Friday night to meet up with my Mum. I had bought us tickets to the Cake and Bake Show in Manchester on Saturday, having quite enjoyed ourselves at the one in London in September. It featured a life sized gingerbread house […]

Cheesey Vegetable Pie

Some of the gifts on my wishlist for Christmas were some Alan Silverwood pans. They are great, really easy to clean (but NOT Dishwasher safe), and really non-stick. One of them was a 4in Pork Pie tin, which I hadn’t used yet. Time to rectify that: Cheesey Vegetable Pie Recipe (Modified from Paul Hollywood’s Hand-raised […]

Easy Cheese: Making Paneer the Anjum Anand way.

This is what happens when you decide you’re going to make all sorts of fun things, but then it snows and you really can’t be bothered to go to the big supermarket where they would actually sell you Paneer, so you decide to make it yourself. The true blame for this escapade lies first with […]