Monthly Archives: July 2013

Pattern weights from DIY washers.

Since I bought my big cutting mat and rotary cutter, I have been using it more and more for cutting out fabric pattern pieces, as it’s so quick to do. Pins tend to distort the fabric, so when cutting out it can be less accurate. Often therefore, I grab random objects from around the room, […]

I have a problem.

A fabric problem. I was pre-washing my fabric for my fancy Lonsdale dress – prewashing and pressing it! Yes! Actually doing it all properly and everything! And I decided to wash a whole load of my fabrics at the same time so that they were all ready for making things with. I realised something. I…………………. […]

Where I remade my top….

Today, I could have gone out to the Harbour Festival. I could have been energetic and done something productive outside. But I was tired and not really feeling it. FYI, it also chucked it down with crazy torrential rain in little out of the blue showers later on, so perhaps I was as well to […]

Sewaholic Lonsdale: My Bicycle Dress

On my birthday, a few weeks ago, I bought some fancy schmancy fabric from Liberty. My intention was to make a dress using Sewaholic’s Lonsdale pattern, but before I cut into the most expensive fabric I have ever bought, I thought I should do it properly and make a practice dress first so I could […]

Saffron, Broad Bean, and New Potato Salad

Hot hot hot! Of course, when it’s hot, you don’t really want to be cooking heavy meals. This week I received my Riverford Veg Box, and included in the box is usually a recipe using some of the contents of the box. I decided to make it to go with some barbequeing with friends. It […]

Chocolate Coconut “Fudge”

News: it’s still summer. It’s still hot. I still can’t really be bothered to cook anything. Still requiring appropriate summerwear, so I made another Sorbetto crossover variation, and updated the blog post with a bit more info on how I did it. It got positive comments! Both at work and at the pub: Successful I […]

Peanut Butter Surprise Cookies

Really, it’s too hot to be spending any large amount of time in the kitchen with the oven on… But, I am way overdue taking in my birthday cakes, so I thought I would use up the remains of the peanut butter I bought to make the quadruple layer Peanut Butter and Salted Caramel Billionaire’s […]

Five Years.

This year Mr M and I celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. Time flies when you’re having fun it seems, and for year 5 the theme of gifts is Wood. *insert inappropriate joke here* A while back I saw a pin on pinterest for a sign made out of an old pallet (you can find plenty […]

Sorbetto Variation: Crossover Back

Man it has been toasty warm of late here in good old Blighty! It’s almost like it’s what is that time of year called again? Oh yes… Summer. Which has of course been somewhat unpredictable, rainy, and generally not all that summery for the last few years. Ick. Now it has returned, or at least […]

A quick post about Cake.

Just a little wee post today. I had a little get together for my birthday yesterday, made a couple of quiches, had the obligatory cheese and pineapple on sticks, all that jazz. Mr M fired up the BBQ, so he could stand around it with other men and cook meat. The sun shone, the blue […]