Monthly Archives: January 2014

Drink More Water.

A motto I have been trying to abide by recently. Although I don’t think it worked last night, we went to see Ash play in San Francisco, and I definitely had the headache of dehydration this morning. I did avoid getting ‘rock neck’ (the condition of whiplash-type pain after having been throwing yourself about the […]

DIY Towel Wrap

When we were looking for a place to live here, we looked at apartment complexes, townhomes, townhouse complexes, and apartment buildings…………… started to lose the will to live……. In the end we chose an apartment complex, so for at least the first year, we are totally living it up. California style. We have a fitness […]

Lime and Coconut Butterfly Cakes

This weekend we went away. Away to the land of lights and gambling, over-the-top-ness and still actually allowing smoking indoors. Ick. It was our friend Ashlei’s birthday, and we met up with her in Vegas, spending a few days (mainly) eating and going to see a Cirque show. Mr M had a little play at […]

Grainline Studio’s Tiny Pocket Tank.

Our visitors are gone, off to San Francisco, and my spare room is back to being a den of crafting. I am starting to accept the change in weather. This certainly isn’t Britain, and as I went for a walk yesterday in shorts and a vest top and it is JANUARY, I figured I needed […]

Banana, Coconut, and Oat Cookies.

I have been trying to make sure I get some sort of daily exercise. Mostly it involves the gym in our complex, but it is a) quite dull, and b) a total waste of living in California! When I can get out with my hiking group it is pretty great, but I can’t always have […]

Crate and Barrel inspired decorative cushion.

Our visitors have gone up to Sonoma for a couple of days, so it affords me the luxury of a bit of time to finish off some projects that had been languishing mostly complete. One was the cat tags, they just needed me to find where I had hidden the collars, attach them, and then […]

Custom Cat Tags. A belatedly crafted Christmas present for the kitties.

Our cats have been wandering about with quite out of date nametags. They have our old information from the UK on them, and the collars were looking kinda past their best, so I bought them new ones for Christmas………then didn’t do anything with them… Christmas came and went in a whirlwind of…. mainly unpacking, and […]

Chocolate Orange Bundt Cake

At the moment, we have our very first international guests. Our first out of town guests to our place really, as when our friend Ashlei visited from Seattle in December, we were still living in the temporary place, and not feeling quite so settled. Anyhow, my Mum and her husband Jim are here to visit, […]

Hobnob Day 2014

So, alas this year we can’t join in the mass handout on Stokes Croft. Did that stop us from spreading oat-y joy? It did not. I took the opportunity to extend the hand of biscuit-y friendship to our neighbours, packaging up little bags of oat-y biscuit-y joy and popping them on everyone’s doorsteps: I also […]

Seasonal baking: Lavender Shortbread

Today marked an exciting occasion. The first outing, in public, of my lady trolley: Oh yes. I can feel your envious looks from across the interwebs. I got it from Ikea yesterday while ticking off some more stuff from the endless list of odd things we forgot to get last time. Just you wait, next […]