Monthly Archives: December 2016

Last Minute Mince Pies

This year is our fourth Christmas in the states. Our fourth Christmas without Mince Pies which, as any British person will know, are an essential part of the general festive overeating. (You can buy them some places, but they are even worse than those cheap supermarket own brand ones, everyone knows homemade are best!) I […]

Christmas Pudding Biscuits.

This past weekend I participated in my first ever “Cookie Swap”. It turns out that we aren’t the only people who have never participated in a cookie swap, as people had to be herded away from the cookie tables as they tried to eat all the cookies instead of taking them home. Anyhow, for my […]

Flying Ducks

Lately we have been sidetracked by trying to move out of our apartment and into a real house. Unfortunately all the places we have seen either had some sort of weird landlord situation, was next to the freeway, small and/or gross, or all of the above. Just as we had lost the will to keep […]