Category Food

Earl Grey Scones

I have been on a little scone kick lately. I think because I managed to buy some clotted cream at Whole Foods so therefore had to make scones! I started off with some regular fruit scones, they were ok. Next came some Marmite and Cheese Scones (Hairy Bikers recipe via BBC Good Food Magazine), they […]

Simple Chocolate and Raspberry Cake

These days any sort of baking, making, and indeed crafting, takes place around children napping, in between wrangling children, or while they are distracted by Disney+ (best lockdown purchase, you the MVP!) But sometimes the baking takes place with children involved! And this is one of those ones. My daughter loves sprinkles, and chocolate, and […]

Pete the Cat Cake

Pete the Cat Cake

Ok, so it seems like my posts are once a year right now. I guess I just haven’t been making anything particularly exciting these days, partially due to a lack of time, and part due to my ongoing wrist problems – Bah! Anyway, I thought I would share this wonderfully easy and tasty cake recipe, […]

Eric Carle, for those with limited artistic skill.

(I am just going to gloss over the long blogging absence, I have been making things, but they haven’t been exciting things and I had kind of lost my mojo) We all know I like to make things, but I don’t class myself as being particularly artistically skilled, and was way out of practice at […]

Last Minute Mince Pies

This year is our fourth Christmas in the states. Our fourth Christmas without Mince Pies which, as any British person will know, are an essential part of the general festive overeating. (You can buy them some places, but they are even worse than those cheap supermarket own brand ones, everyone knows homemade are best!) I […]

Christmas Pudding Biscuits.

This past weekend I participated in my first ever “Cookie Swap”. It turns out that we aren’t the only people who have never participated in a cookie swap, as people had to be herded away from the cookie tables as they tried to eat all the cookies instead of taking them home. Anyhow, for my […]

Spiced Cheese Scones

Yes, I know. It has been a while. I blame a multitude of things including another pottery course, studying, starting to make Mr M a Regency outfit for September, studying, and the continuing absence of my baking mojo. Anyhow, a couple of weeks ago I felt the sudden urge for baking, so whipped up some […]

Almond Thumbprint Cookies

My baking mojo has been lacking lately. I think this is part because I have been: a)busy; b) trying not to eat as much; and c) disappointed with the results because of my crappy crappy oven. #firstworldproblems Anyway, yesterday I felt the urge to bake, and also wanted to use up some of the random […]

Seedy Rolls

Like I have always done throughout my academic life (except the final year of my degree where I was totally on top of things), I have been getting behind on my studies. Cue playing catch up over the past few weeks, trying to make sure all my rotation exams and evaluations etc. are done before […]

Black Pepper and Cardamom Shortbread

Ahhh Thanksgiving. A big excuse to eat. All day. This year we went round to some friends’ house and ate Nut Roast Pie. We provided dessert, and I made pumpkin pie, and lemon meringue pie, and chocolate and banana cake, macarons and this deliciously moreish Black Pepper and Cardamom Shortbread: Black Pepper and Cardamom Shortbread […]