Monthly Archives: January 2015

On Game Days We Wear Teal……

After many months of eyeing up Sharks fabric at Joann, and then finally buying some…. then it sitting on the shelf…. I took my friend Brooke to her first Sharks game last night, so even only having my comedy portable machine, I decided it was time to make myself a top! (crappy phone picture of […]

Overnight Wholewheat Pizza Dough

Hmmmmm…… Another long absence. But good news people! I passed my Physics exam! Woooooo! Possibly my finest achievement yet to date, as I really hated it, and forcing myself to learn it all after 15 years have passed since the last time I did Physics? PAINFUL. But one more hurdle overcome in my quest to […]

Knot Cushion

This project originated way back in August, when my friend Rachael and I were sat in my old local pub in Bristol (Yey for The Old Stillage!), and she was telling me about these cool knot cushions she had seen while on holiday in Iceland, but couldn’t justify £150 for one cushion. being crafty ladies […]