Is it something in the water? A good friend of mine gave birth a few days before Christmas, another has done since, we have two more expecting…. and of course, all being well, two will become three in the Marsh family this summer! That’s right. At long last we are expecting our own little bundle […]

This year is our fourth Christmas in the states. Our fourth Christmas without Mince Pies which, as any British person will know, are an essential part of the general festive overeating. (You can buy them some places, but they are even worse than those cheap supermarket own brand ones, everyone knows homemade are best!) I […]

This past weekend I participated in my first ever “Cookie Swap”. It turns out that we aren’t the only people who have never participated in a cookie swap, as people had to be herded away from the cookie tables as they tried to eat all the cookies instead of taking them home. Anyhow, for my […]

Lately we have been sidetracked by trying to move out of our apartment and into a real house. Unfortunately all the places we have seen either had some sort of weird landlord situation, was next to the freeway, small and/or gross, or all of the above. Just as we had lost the will to keep […]

So…. Finally all the i’s have been dotted, t’s have been crossed, exams passed, graduation attended…. (Apparently this is a Swedish graduation tradition/thing – thankfully they were unable to find a tractor) ……and your girl here is now qualified to practice as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist in California! Studying for all those tests and exams […]

Yes, I know. It has been a while. I blame a multitude of things including another pottery course, studying, starting to make Mr M a Regency outfit for September, studying, and the continuing absence of my baking mojo. Anyhow, a couple of weeks ago I felt the sudden urge for baking, so whipped up some […]

A year ago I was bridesmaid for one of my close friends. They got married on an old cider farm in Somerset, and were coming out to California for a visit for their one year Anniversary. I was looking for something nice for a gift, and came across a no longer available item on Etsy. […]

My baking mojo has been lacking lately. I think this is part because I have been: a)busy; b) trying not to eat as much; and c) disappointed with the results because of my crappy crappy oven. #firstworldproblems Anyway, yesterday I felt the urge to bake, and also wanted to use up some of the random […]

I know. I disappeared into an abyss. (Otherwise known as having two lots of visitors, resuming school, and general life.) I have been working on a little cross stitch that is almost complete, and Mr M and I signed up for another pottery class (slip decoration and some more wheel work – we need more […]

Over the past couple of months, Mr M and I have been attending a 6 week beginner wheel pottery class at Higher Fire Clayspace and Gallery in San Jose. This was mainly sparked by watching the Great Pottery Throw Down and thinking that it looked like fun, and as Mr M also thought so, I leaped […]